The Copy By Steph DIY Shop

For the ambitious entrepreneur on an endless pursuit of learning + honing her craft. 

Practice makes perfect. These goodies will help you to build confidence in your writing skills and give your writing the magical touch of *conversion* that they need. 

Plus, who doesn’t like leaving a party with a goodie bag?!

 If this were a real-life party, you’d probably be dancing right along with me to some of my favorite tunes (One Republic + Justin Bieber, obv) while we chat about all things copywriting and business.

No matter how many other coaches and entrepreneurs I’ve chatted with throughout my years in this business, I always seem to hear the same things.

“I have no idea where to start,”
“I need this copywriting done yesterday,” or
“I want to learn how to do it myself.”

I realized really quickly that there wasn’t a whole lot out there in the way of trustworthy, easy-to-use resources and even less when it comes to learning opportunities.

That’s exactly why I created the DIY shop. Sometimes, we just need things done ourselves and that is A-Okay! You are in the right place to learn how to become a better writer and write copy that you can truly be proud of. Even if you’re not ready to outsource to a copywriter, you still deserve to feel confident in your work. So let’s get cozy and dive into the next step on this crazy business journey. 

I’ll be here if you need anything. 

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