5 Eye-Poppin, Jaw- Droppin’ Subject Lines for Your Next Email Sequence

I have a feeling this is gonna sound familiar? 🤔 

You did it! You just clicked “send” on a kick butt sequence full of value that you can’t wait to share with your subscribers.

You just KNOW its gonna be good. So you sit there, full of excitement as you await the feedback, offers, inquiries or some sign that someone has read it.

But time passes by and…nothing. Low open rates, low click rates and low results. 

Here you are pumped, while your email is sitting in an inbox internally crying out:

👉 If this sounds like you - I’ve got you covered!

If you’ve been looking for a way to get more people opening, reading & clicking your emails,subject lines are the best place to start. 

Ready for a crash course full of quick tips & ideas?

Before I give you the goods…

>> Subject lines are what drives people to open and read your emails. <<

Open rates are directly correlated to your subject lines

You might be rolling your eyes thinking “duh” 🙄. But be honest with yourself here- when it comes to writing your own emails, is the subject line something you actually put effort into or is it merely a last minute “Let’s just put something here so I can hit send & share this with everyone” task?

If you’re the latter, just know that it’s not just you- we’ve all been there at some point (otherwise you wouldn’t be here reading this!). 

Now on the flip side: When you check your inbox, how often do you ignore/delete an email because the subject line was some generic, overused, boring line? Or it straight up didn’t catch your attention or engage you? With all of the emails flooding your inbox daily, chances are- a whole lot. 

It doesn’t matter how good the content inside is if the subject is yawn central and gets ignored. You don’t put the *best of the best* into your emails for nothing. Something as “small” as a subject line can now be viewed as a huge stepping stone to engagement, readability, clicks and more.

✨ If you need help with some suggestions, they’ll be coming in a moment *promise*.

But before we get to that….

Now that you’ve got a kick butt subject line it’s time to take a look at the content of the email. How can you get more people to read, respond & take action?

If you’re wondering why your emails are lacking engagement…

  • Are your emails keeping the promise of your subject line? (If not, it’s in click-bait territory and you DO NOT want to be living there 🙅🏼‍♀️)

  • Have you considered a/b testing to gauge what your audience likes and responds to?

  • Would you open/read your own emails?  (If not, you’ve got some big problems, my friend)

Sometimes it’s easy to get wrapped up in the joy of sharing something while you let the rest of those things fall to the wayside.

While the audience isn’t literally there with you, emails are a joint experience. It’s not all about what you know or have to offer. YES that is essential, and YES we want that passion to come through, BUT are you doing it in a way that is also catering to their needs whether in topic, format or frequency?

It’s an experiment but once you start paying attention massive shifts will happen.

Once you start implementing these tips in your emails it’ll become easier to put together something that both you and your audience can’t wait to get their hands on.

✨  Are you ready for those suggestions I promised? Get ready to write these down, screenshot & save ‘em!

🎉 Now to the good stuff 🎉

Here are some attention grabbing subject lines you can try!

Oh and all of these subject lines had a minimum 60% open rate 😉

Feel free to borrow them for your next email!

➡️ Subject Line #1

Sometimes, sh*t just happens 🤷‍♀️

➡️ Subject Line #2

My *BIGGEST* announcement in 2022

➡️ Subject Line #3

Are you dead inside [First Name] 💀

➡️ Subject Line #4

Alexa, play Usher because these are my confessions 🎶

➡️ Subject Line #5

THIS is the worst 🤯

Boring? Generic? Overused? NOT HERE!

Intrigue and impact? Check and check. I don’t know about you, but I’d be all about opening an email with “confession” in the title. Sounds juicy & piques my curiosity. How about the “biggest” or “worst”? Both statements that make me think impact. “Dead inside”? Laughs and intrigue. 

✨ This is also a great place to incorporate your personality. Get creative with it while keeping the internal content and your audience in mind while you do.

It gets to be this easy and fun!

One of the worst things that can happen is putting time & effort into your emails just to have them left unopened or unread. 

You put so much passion and time into sharing the best of the best with your email list, so next time you go to write an email keep all of these tips in mind. 

Get ready to watch those open rates, click numbers & interactions rise and sit back as you begin to see the results you desire as you continue to implement these tips. YOU GOT THIS!

Out of brain space & wish someone would write those emails for you?

Now booking Q2 Copywriting slots!

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